By Berenice Rúa
Many parents ask the same question: how can I make my child bilingual? Above all, those who are not bilingual but who want their children to be. The meaning of bilingualism is complex and often misunderstood.
As a teaching professional, I have experiences that allow me to reflect on the different methodologies and resources that educational centers should have to develop the bilingual programs at the highest level.
Use visual aids such as flashcards, posters, and story cards to teach language and vocabulary.
Establish routines in English.
Make it easy for you to listen to songs in English every day.
Read stories and literature in English. Children enjoy learning while focusing on the development of speaking and listening skills.
Cartoon movies must always be viewed in English. With the TV system, it is very easy to put the different TV programs in their original language.
Definitely, I believe that English should be learned more through its practical use in contextualized situations. In this way, children can speak English effectively.
© 2022 Colegio Buen Consejo | Barranquilla – Colombia. Colegio mixto progresivo, calendario A, Católico, metodología constructivista, con énfasis en inglés y francés. Apostamos por humanizar la educación para ofrecer un horizonte abierto a la Transcendencia.
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