Language is the most important resource of communication that we own, through it we express our thoughts, ideas and feelings. Managing more than one language different to Spanish opens up many doors for us and if we are in a foreign country that does not speak our language, they will most likely speak English to communicate with foreigners as a language other than their native.
When we are in the process of learning a foreign language is significant to know how much meaningful is to get knowledge because of the target language. Nevertheless, this is not only due to humans’ natural attraction to have fun experiences, but also us as students understand the situations and events around us. This is exactly what our school intends to do when the languages fair is organized and the learners have the opportunity to participate in and show English and French come in handy.
This years’ language fair took place at the end of March on school grounds. It was organized by both, students and teachers, with the intention to make learning languages more amusing. We celebrated this day with a lot of ludic and recreational activities like staged performances, games’ exhibitions, karaoke, expositions, dances, and oral and so many others. While doing all of the previously mentioned activities, we learned about the history of some of the countries where these languages are spoken, their traditions, celebrations, manners, idiomatic expressions, as well as share experiences with others.
It is important to keep doing this type of activities for many different reasons. In a performance, game or even karaoke, we apply all the things we learn during classes. We also explode our creativity creating and getting these projects to term, getting by in diverse areas. Another hidden egg about this event is that we improve our speaking confidence and skills without even noticing.
As students we tend to forget the necessity and importance about learning languages, and we tend to see it as only another subject, but in the making of this fair we notice that these languages are a gate into new countries and cultures which we have the chance to get to know if we have the capacity to communicate, breaking the language barrier.
By Paula Arroyo & Isabella Serrano, 11th grade
© 2022 Colegio Buen Consejo | Barranquilla – Colombia. Colegio mixto progresivo, calendario A, Católico, metodología constructivista, con énfasis en inglés y francés. Apostamos por humanizar la educación para ofrecer un horizonte abierto a la Transcendencia.
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